Concealer lock Valgus Pro – get rid of valgus deformity in 1 month
Proof-lock Valgus Pro by valgus deformity helps to cope with the protruding bone on his feet. This problem not only leads to the fact that the use of the shoe becomes painful, but stops undesired transformation. Concealer prevents the development of grated and calluses, relieves pain. Used with any shoes.
1How does Valgus Pro?

Corrector gently affects the bone defect. The special shape keeps the thumb in a physiologically correct position. This allows him to maintain the correct position during walking. Thanks to its special technology, normal anatomically correct position of the thumb.
ValguisPRO Corrector effect in stages:
- In the first week of use there is a reduction of the angle between 1 and 2 of the metatarsal bone.
- At 2-4 week begins to decrease bump, which is popularly called the “bone on the leg.” The affected area is no longer inflamed by constant contact with hard materials shoe.
- At 4-6 week valgus deformity passes. It allows you to forget about the premature wear of the main joint, cartilage lesions, a new build-up.
2Where to buy Valgus Pro?
Buy Valgus Pro in the UK online on the official website – get a really high-quality product that will not cause increased symptoms of hallux valgus or allergic reactions. Certified product is sold only on the official Internet portal.
Buy Valgus Pro in a pharmacy in UK is impossible. Delivery service of the official service provider works quickly, so customers can promptly begin treatment. Price Valgus Pro at a discount of 990 rubles. It is much cheaper than buying a different cream or go to the hospital for surgical solutions.
3Composition Valgus Pro
The retainer is made of a flexible plastic gel. Studies have shown that it does not cause allergic reactions, can be used by people with sensitive skin and the close proximity to the surface of blood vessels. Valgus Pro tight to the foot, does not spoil the view of using the beautiful shoes.
To achieve the effect you need to wear a retainer at least 6-10 hours per day. The first changes already observed in the 10 + 14 days. For application requires
- to put the latch on the big toe,
- press firmly to lock the foot.
Due to the elastic material risk to injure the other fingers are completely excluded.
5Use results

When used regularly, there is no reversal of the thumb on the axis. Reduced pressure, reduced rubbing in the joint. This allows you to forget about cones and redness in the leg. The result is:
- Preventing the formation of a false joint positions.
- Reducing the load on the forefoot.
- Elimination of discomfort during walking.
6Reviews of doctors and buyers

Doctors about corrector Valgus Pro say that the lock really helps to cope with valgus deformity without surgery:
“My patients within a few weeks of use mark the pressure drop between the toes. There is a significant decrease in pain and a reduction of corns. I believe that the best means not yet invented. Lock reduces traumatic effect, radically improves the condition of the joint. ”
Real customer reviews of the Pro Valgus :
“Since childhood, I have flat feet. I had to give up shoes with heels due to the bones on his feet. On the advice of a friend I took advantage of the new clamp. He does not rub his feet, not visible to outsiders. For a month I have recovered the correct form of joint. ”
“Bone in the leg has been more than 7 years. During this time, I realized that no medicines will help. On the advice of the doctor tried Valgus Pro. The apparatus simple to use, allowing to fix in position the finger. ”